The stages of the flax industry
The program of flax cultivation varies from one country to another based on the climatic conditions of each country. In some countries, summer is cultivated and winter is cultivated in other countries.
flax is grown on all types of different agricultural lands. It is a good water saver because it doesn’t need much of it. It is preferable not to be cultivated on the same land until at least six years have passed. And the seeds are scattered on the ground manually or by machines – mechanically – according to some countries and their technological progress. Weeds and weeds should be eliminated because they work to weaken the flax plant, reduce production, increase problems and difficulties in harvesting.
It is to pull the flax from the ground with its roots, so it does not cut or cut, but rather takes off, pulls, or takes off manually or with harvesters.
And the harvesting process is done after ripening from 3 to 4 months after planting, after the plant turns green from yellow. Harvesting is also carried out manually or mechanically, depending on the potential of the farmers. The appropriate time for harvesting must be chosen, because choosing the time affects the fibers in terms of quality, durability and smoothness.
Maceration or fermentation retting flax
It is a way to facilitate and soften the stems, flax, or straws of flax, so that it is easy to separate and pull the fibers from the stem. And since the flax fibers are attached and attached to the stems (bark), the process of maceration makes the fibers separate automatically from the wooden leg, it facilitates the pulling of the fibers from the stems, after the inner core of the stem or what is called the wooden stem is decomposed and the pectin layer that connects the fibers with the wooden leg or oud is decomposed.